So, here we are again.  Things sure are getting interesting, aren’t they?  As we move along in this race that isn’t really quite a race yet, we find ourselves with our first real showdown.  The Democrats led by the great Harry Reid (read sarcasm <—  here) are demanding that Mitt Romney turn over his tax returns.  Why?  Because they think that Mitt has done something unscrupulous with his finances over the last few years.  This was backed by our president, yes ladies and gentlemen, the leader of the free world when he said that he would lay off the attack ads if Romney turned over his last five years worth of IRS tax returns.

Now, as I remember it, we had a similar situation about..oh…four years ago.  A young upstart senator decided he wanted to run for president.  But, there was a problem.  He wasn’t a U.S. citizen.  Or was he?  Was he born in Kenya?  Or was it Hawaii?  Did he lose his citizenship when he lived in Indonesia?  Hmmm…how do we solve this issue?  I’m pretty sure John McCain never said, “well Barrack, we’ll stop the attack ads if you turn over your birth certificate.”  Nope, that scenario never played out.

Were there conspiracy theorists that demanded the certificate?  Absolutely.  In fact, as I understand it, the “birther” conspiracy continues today, even after a scanned copy of the certificate has been produced.  My point is, the opposition (then, John McCain) never stooped to that level.  He let it go.  It was beneath him.  As it should be beneath President Obama.  I mean, let’s face it.  There’s plenty of things we should be asking the president for.

How about his college records that have been sealed and are gone forever. That’s not relevant?

How about the real reason he gave up his license to practice law?  We don’t need to know?

Why did he go by a different name when he was in college?  Anyone ever hear of a guy named Barry Soetoro?  That’s your president, ladies and gentlemen.  They’re one and the same.

Finally, since we’re talking about releasing papers, why doesn’t President Obama release the documents relating to the Fast and Furious investigation.  Why did he allow Mr. Holder to utilize executive privilege and seal those documents.  And you people say George W. Bush was a criminal…

This man is currently the president.  He already has the job.  I’m more concerned about his tax returns and the other shady dealings that he’s had than the guy who might be president.

Besides, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and Mickey Mouse all have one thing in common.  They’re not the president, therefore have no obligation to turn over jack nor shit.  When they get the job (and for this country’s sake let’s hope that’s true) they’ll turn over everything they’re required to.  Just like President Obama did…oh wait….